Chinese version

* 我們在任何情況下均不會以人道毀滅或任何方式殺死動物

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如有動物須要被收養,請填妥動物收養表格(送出動物),我們會盡快與你聯絡並妥善安置你的動物。緊急情況或查詢可致電 9743 2011


Adoptable Animals
They are waiting for a new home..

Animal Profile
Species: Ocadia sinensis, Chinese Striped-necked Turtle
Size: 11 inches
Diets: Previous diet unknown, thought to be fed largely on animal matters. Now in our center, we feed it on vegetables, fruits, worms, fish, cuttlefish
Details: Healed wound on top of the carapace. The cause of shell deformation is not provided by ex-owner. We estimate it is caused by improper care all over the years - mal-balance of nutrient supply, insufficient UV and insufficient room for exercise
Condition: Currently healthy and feeding well. No sign of sickness.

所有其他已接收的動物已經被安置 - Good news! If you like and are able to adopt the animal(s) above, please contact us and leave your details.


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